Let Not a Weak Moment Get You

Shoba Rao
5 min readJun 18, 2020

There is often news of suicides and more suicides; incredibly young, youth and the old alike have been victims of ‘that moment’, when they decide to commit the ‘crime’. I call it crime as one decides to take a precious life, a gift that has been bestowed in the form of ‘breath’ — body and soul.


This is an obvious question that follows soon after the news of a suicide reaches people.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


Everyone, siblings, relatives, friends, fans, those who have seen the face/s in the newspaper and just about anyone has an opinion about the suicide! Perspectives and judgements, statements and experiences spontaneously and freely pour out, sometimes with no respect for the one gone. Then each one blames another, someone connected did this and said that , the outpour is endless.

It begins with a bang and dies with no ceremony . People’s memories are short lived. It is over and we do not care anymore. Lessons learned last for a few days and we are back to our tireless routines, making money and trying to make more. Discussions sometimes erupt at coffee tables, just for the sake of no other ‘breaking news’ staring at our faces. The sad deaths of people are discussed randomly and then its over.

What do you learn from such incidents? Every occurrence in life teaches you a lesson.

This is probably less understood, and you begin to take everything for granted, until you realize you have not been AWARE of a lot many things presented before you; gifted to you.

In this competitive world, winning can feel great — but an experience of losing is also there somewhere — lurking in a corner, waiting to get you. But be sure you stay in touch with your soul, whether you win or lose.

Let us just consider a few points to GET OVER THAT MOMENT and learn to respect LIFE as a GOD-GIVEN TREASURE. How does one cocoon oneself or protect oneself if such instants crop up at some point?

Have a Sane and Chosen group of Friends

While many friends fall under the larger category of just arbitrary friends, there may be very few who you could call your OWN. Where you could “just be yourselves”! You can throw your moods on our sleeves and say, “You do understand, don’t you” and would hear a favorable reply.

Maybe its New Year’s day and you tell them how wretched you feel — they will not shut you up and say — “Oh, come on…life is not that bad”, instead you may hear, “Oh dear…how can this be? Let us see how we can make this better.”

Are they your true friends? You decide.

There are friends who are:

· Secretly jealous of you

· Waiting to see you fall

· Ready to shut you down

· Happy to see you feeling dreadful

And the list goes on….

There are friends who are:

· Just so delighted in your victory

· Happy to just be with you

· Ready to be around when you want them the most

· Happy to celebrate you as a person

And the list goes on….

You choose yours — everything is a matter of CHOICE. Choose what is best for you, do you want to be around toxic people or those who empower you — make a good choice; enrich life with your choice.

Be your Best Friend — Engage, Introspect, and be Empowered

Even the smallest of experiences leave an impact. Dwelling on what can pass is unnecessary. You may be engaged with work, family, friends, colleagues, or just about anyone — do you feel connected? We connect differently with different people or happenings.

For example, when you hear of a distant cousin being ill you react differently compared to how you would, when you hear of a very dear relative with a similar problem. So, you do behave differently too, depending on the impact the person or incident leaves or has left on you.

But at the end of the day, when you sit back, you have to take a moment to re-center or what we call ‘get yourself together’ and engage with your own self. Allow incidents or people to empower you — get you moving one step ahead — avoid thinking about that which hinders your growth — move, get ahead and get going at a pace that helps you remain centered, at least most of your time — leave the rot behind.

Do not Allow Vulnerability to Get You

Breathe, pray, run, take a walk — do anything and snap out of that moment that can get you, and look within. Deep breathing and self-talk aid immensely; so, have an internal dialogue. This will help you to better orient in thought. Try to enhance your personality with great affirmations.

Read and re-read the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne — keep it at your bedside and read, move — move — move. Keep moving far ahead of moments that weaken you.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels


Such a simple word but one which holds great strength and hope. When you think you can trust, do it — sometimes we make mistakes, but let that not ruin your trusting abilities. Not trusting can lead to traumatic experiences. Trust, and if you are let down sometimes, just let go. Do not hang on to what did not happen the way you thought it should. You cannot control everything; but do not allow anything to control you.

As an epilogue, I want to include something that felt very refreshing. These simple lines by Hoffman felt so uplifting that I added them here for contemplation, before you go.

